Why Pointless??

We named our ginger ale Pointless because we believe that having a point is often associated with being conventional and conformist. Our drink is for people who celebrate their individuality and aren't afraid to be different. We embrace being 'pointless' because it represents a rejection of those societal norms and expectations. Plus, our spicy soft drink is so delicious you won’t even realize nobody asked for this!

Real Ingredients, Lorax Approved

We source the best, biting ginger juice that was cold pressed from fresh ginger hours before we make every batch. Our fruit flavors come from actual fruit, that grew on plants that sunk roots deep into the ground! Using cold press technology to save all the natural flavors, and nutrients that mother nature has intended for us. Our fresh ginger leaves a slightly spicy finish, complimenting the fresh fruit flavors for a refreshing, responsible and healthy social beverage. Pointless is unfiltered and hazy, passing on the best flavor.

At a bar and some neckbeard weirdo is talking your ear off about hazy beer? The responsible adult you are can respond by buying them a Pointless and paying your grown-up choices forward.

At a picnic and elephant printed yoga pants won’t stop talking about Kombucha? Hand them a Pointless and feel the world become a better place.

At a church event and your preacher just declared himself to be a polyamorous Messianic figure? Leave that church. It’s a cult.

At the grocery store and they don’t have Pointless? Make your voices known!

Demand Pointless Ginger Ale!